The tiny house craze is sweeping the nation. From TV shows to conventions, people are starving for information about these diminutive living spaces.
Tiny living is as much about community as it is the small space. Even those who live in small spaces far from cities or towns have a common bond with other tiny home owners.
Connecting digitally is one great way for those interested in, or currently experiencing, tiny living to gain knowledge about the lifestyle, trends, and creative ideas other tiny home owners are seeing and doing.
Here is a curated list of what we think are some of the very best digital hangouts and creative spaces for getting learning and inspiration from the tiny house community.
Living Big in a Tiny House
This blog certainly does it big and features a YouTube channel packed with episodes highlighting the lives of tiny inhabitants. The channel boasts over 2 million subscribers with an international audience.
Each week reveals a new episode following people trying tiny on for size. The channel is diverse but maintains its focus on small-space living and design.
You won’t only find tiny houses but also cabins, miniature apartments, and homes constructed from various things like shipping containers and even the side of a hill.
Like many others, Bryce Langston (creator of Living Big in a Tiny House) found himself fed up with the cost of housing in his hometown of Auckland, New Zealand. The despair led to a brilliant new passion for tiny homes and small-space living.
This blog and channel are great for those looking at tiny living as an option for the future. It puts building and living in a tiny home on full display in an honest and open way.
The Living Big in a Tiny House channel covers every aspect of tiny living and is a great resource while being captivating to watch.
The Tiny Life
The tagline accompanying The Tiny Life blog says, “Practical tools for everyday simple living,” and it could not be more accurate. This website and associated blog are the ultimate resources for anyone currently, or thinking about, living the tiny life.
The focus here spreads beyond simply detailing tiny homes and gets into the nitty gritty of all the lifestyles associated with small-space dwellings: tiny houses, minimalism, and homesteading.
The blog touches all the realities of tiny home life including construction, life hacks, and self-care geared toward taking full advantage of the minimal life.
The Tiny Life sets itself apart by offering a significant number of “how-to” articles for tiny homes and homesteaders alike.
Tiny House Giant Journey
Lowering financial burdens and living a life of freedom. Those were the two main motivators for Jenna, the founder of the Tiny House Giant Journey. Jenna got tired of the daily grind and living paycheck-to-paycheck. She took a leap of faith, built a tiny house on wheels, and set off in pursuit of a writing career.
This sounds a lot like many other tiny homeowners’ stories, no? Jenna goes beyond the common tiny home blog trappings and details her world travels, highlights stories from others living small, and provides informational articles centered on travel and tiny living.
The website, blog, and vlog all flow together perfectly to provide a seamless place to go for anyone hoping to get lost in a tiny house wonderland.
Tiny House Blog
This is one of the longest standing blogs about tiny living out there. Established in 2007 as a humble collection of thoughts and ideas about tiny homes, the Tiny House Blog now features several writers and offers up to date information about all things tiny!
This blog is great as it offers a variety of avenues to learn about tiny living. Podcasts, media interviews, and videos all supplement standard blog entries to provide tons of information and keep you interested.
If you prefer a more traditional (yet still digital) format, you can purchase the latest edition of Tiny House. This magazine published by the Tiny House Blog offers articles about unique tiny homes and homeowners, tiny home construction, and other small-space topics.
Tiny House Swoon
This one is all about indulging the guilty pleasure most tiny dreamers have: scrolling through hundreds of unique tiny houses and drooling over their design and function.
Each entry offers up at least a handful of pictures of a tiny home, inside and out, for your viewing pleasure. You can sort the homes by category if you are looking for something in particular but we highly recommend simply scrolling until you can’t scroll any more.
So there you have it, five amazing tiny house resources that you’ll be browsing for hours, to give you inspiration for your first (or next) tiny house project/s.
Looking for 3d rendering companies to help you visualize a tiny house? Get in touch with us today!

Alex Smith
Manager & Co-Owner Render 3D Quick
Alex Smith is a manager and co-owner at Render3DQuick, with over 6 years’ experience project managing their large team of 3D rendering professionals. Alex is obsessed with architecture and is a CAD design specialist in his own right and an expert in the field of architectural visualization, 3D rendering, and virtual reality tours.
As the first point of contact when you get in touch with Render3DQuick, Alex loves sharing his knowledge and answering any questions you may have about architectural visualization or the latest technologies and techniques they utilize.
Connect with Alex on LinkedIn here.